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Post-War Proud: 1946 Chevrolet Pickup

Post-War Proud: 1946 Chevrolet Pickup

6.115 61 Galleria

Steve Ember

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Post-War Proud: 1946 Chevrolet Pickup

Inspired by and dedicated to Susanne Kämmner
and mille grazie, Carlo Pollaci, for proposing the photo for
the Gallery and to all who took time to look and vote pro.

Her gleaming chrome grille and front bumper begin to tell her story of optimism.

World War Two has ended, and Detroit automobile factories have returned to the
production of cars and trucks, after the wartime diversion to building tanks and airplanes.

1946 was the first year for new models since the U.S. entered the war, and Americans were lining up – even if it meant that new car or truck might have arrived with temporary wooden bumpers due to the post-war shortage of chrome.

The rest of the story…

This classy lady, with all her chrome intact, and some spiffy wood side panels and flooring in the back, sits proudly at a suburban intersection in Northern Virginia, oblivious to all the look-alike afternoon rush hour traffic passing by.

She remembers an optimistic era when her owner could fill her tank for a few dollars, gas costing less than a quarter per gallon…a time when telephone calls were reasonably private affairs and birds had the monopoly on tweeting. If she had toes to tap, she’d certainly be doing that as “In the Mood” (*) or “Five Minutes More” play on her tube-powered AM radio.

She was fortunate in being found by the owners of Cardinal Plaza Shell in West
Springfield, Virginia, who had her lovingly restored to adorn the station’s “front lawn.”

And, speaking of birds, on this sunny late September afternoon, she’s probably hoping the ones across
Old Keene Mill Road will stick to perching on the wires…or at least not do any pesky fly-overs.

By the way, if you’re wondering why I did not crop the photo a bit closer on the Chevy’s rear end, I couldn’t resist including the happily smiling scarecrow in the station’s autumn decorations, who seemed to be enjoying this vintage “Detroit Iron” as much as the photographer.

The image is available in gallery prints and as a custom printed photo note card.

Photo + Design ©2015 Steve Ember
(*) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vOUYry_5Nw

Time Warp...
Time Warp...
Steve Ember

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