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Prayer wheels at Jampey Lhakhang monastery in Bumthang

Prayer wheels at Jampey Lhakhang monastery in Bumthang

5.145 0


Premium (World), Bangkok

Prayer wheels at Jampey Lhakhang monastery in Bumthang

According to the lineage texts on prayer wheels, prayer wheels are used to accumulate wisdom and merit (good karma) and to purify negativities (bad karma). In Buddhism, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have created a variety of skillful means (upaya) to help bring practitioners ever closer to realizing enlightenment.

(The foto captured in April 2000 during my third tour in Bhutan the transnational highway from Paro in the west to Sandrup Jongkhar in eastern Bhutan the borderline to Asaam in India. Scanned with NIKON CoolScan V ED.)

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Cartelle Tashi Delek Bhutan
Visto da 5.145


Fotocamera Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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