Precise cleaning ...
Fou de bassan, Northern Gannet, Morus bassanus
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Thank you to all voters for your great comments...
...and especially to Luc for proposing this to the vote. It's much appreciated !!
Vladan Doslic 29/11/2007 12:38
Very nice indeed !Best wishes
Anla 23/11/2007 14:09
I like these birds, very sharp and bautiful.Gruß Angelika
ChrissyS 06/11/2007 10:01
Quelle harmonie! Très belle photo!Christiane
DRAGA PUC 05/11/2007 16:11
how come I have missed all that. Great!!d
Gert van der Flier 29/09/2007 18:16
Hello Michel,It's an amazing and very beautiful photograph. Wauw!!
Greetings Gert
aw masry 11/09/2007 18:31
Congratulation !!Best regards - aw masry
Marc Thys 28/08/2007 10:02
Wow......SUPER shot !!!Regards,Marc.
Suvapat Bunnag 25/08/2007 14:43
Great moment and the compose with a very classic shade.Terje Nicolaysen 23/08/2007 23:42
Excellent! Fantastic light, details and colour.Terje
Olivier Joubert 22/08/2007 18:01
magnifique,merci !olivier
Ludek Sagi Lukac 22/08/2007 10:00
perfect !a gratulacion
Sagi :-)
Sarah D. Kiefer 21/08/2007 2:17
: ))) precise is right!! excellent, beautiful, superlatif!!!!felicitations, mon ami!!
sarah k
N i N a ² 20/08/2007 22:20
i still don't like the frame.. nevertheless: congrats :)Michael Henderson 20/08/2007 21:04
Congratulations !!Luc Grollie 20/08/2007 17:04
congrats Michel !!!!well deserved.....