16.599 31 Galleria

Rob Wells

Free Account, Chatham/London

Commenti 31

  • Mina Ciosnar 23/07/2006 17:30

    very nice work:)
  • Nilüfer Barin 17/04/2006 12:38

    aesthetic arrangement.Very nice pic...
  • Dennis Veldman 15/04/2006 19:14

    where in the world are you hiding??

  • Aleksey Laika 06/03/2006 19:26

    Great worcks !!! is 5+
  • Aleksey Laika 06/03/2006 19:23

    Great Worcks !!! Is - 5 +
  • When 20/09/2005 6:06

    A prestidigitator should never tell the whole secret to his spell. You conjurer of magic. What do you have up your sleeve next?
  • Stu Good 19/09/2005 11:08

    Congratulatrions Rob, I've not been online since thursday so I missed the voting on this otherwise I'd definitely have voted pro. [especially since you were paying ;-)]
    Actually I thought I'd commented on the picture before, but apparently not !?! Hmmm best start taking the pills again.
    Cheers, Stu.

    p.s. forgot to say as with Ruud & Rob, I'd love to know how you produce this effect, it's fascinating.
  • Rob Wells 18/09/2005 11:04

    Thank you everyone for your votes & comments.
  • Petra Finkenzeller 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto

    Pro, pro , pro - about time these got into the gallery! Keep them coming Rob!
  • Danny W. Wilson 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto

    Very interesting, different, and obviously thinking outside the box. I like it, its fresh, and original.

  • Rob Wells 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto


    I'm not here to castigate. I sent a private fotomail (the key word being PRIVATE) because I found the comment to be spurious, and actually in no way a critique of the picture whatsoever. Saying "I don't understand this photo" isn't critique in my book at least.

    This was taken public by Rafael, for whatever reasons he had, rather than responding to my mail and keeping whatever misunderstanding there was away from the public forum. So yes, I did think his approach to be as subtle as a brick.

    Your emotive comments are un-necessary and seem to deliberately try to portray me in a detrimental light. I most certainly do not make a habit of trying to chew anyone out (.....whether invited to or not), and especially not because they have voted in a particular way.
  • Robert Riley 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto

    And so are you Rob. He is entitled to his opinion as am I. I get castigated all the time, bt I wont let the sods get me down. Not that you would give a damn anyway. Al the same PRO. Perhaps you might give me a telling off now, or maybe you dont think I am worth the effort. I'd like to know either way.
  • Tammy Meikle 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto

  • Jeremy B 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto

    Pro. (is it bad to get a chuckle out of the previous remarks....)
    Very impressive work. Whatever it is.
  • Rafael Cor 18/09/2005 6:47 Commento di voto


    I gave my point of view and I apologize if I offended to you



Visto da 16.599


Galleria (Soggetti)
18/09/2005 30 Pro / 20 Contra

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