1.544 4

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.

Quiet reflection

My Friend and sometimes nemesis.
would love to know what he was thinking....

[Old film, very grainy]

Honour Guard
Honour Guard
Wayne Tsipouras

Commenti 4

  • John Bullen 20/01/2006 0:08

    I can tell you what I was thinking - after ten days of bloody hard and bloody hot work in the back of nowhere somewhere in the Australian bush, I was thinking of a nice cold beer....or two...or three...

    well at least that's what I am going to admit to...a few other things were probably on my mind too.
  • Seagaul 18/11/2005 6:39

    good one !
  • Wayne Tsipouras 17/11/2005 22:04

    Hello Simone,
    John [See Honour Guard] is a dear friend.
    A nemesis also, but in humour.
    Pic taken at some Army Base.

  • Simone Schüpferling 17/11/2005 15:00

    Dear Wayne,
    is this an old camp-photo from your friend?
    What means nemesis in this context?
    Greetz, Simone

    P.S.: That the photo is very grainy is no problem, the memory of this time is important!!!!