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Reality of A Life Gone Wrong #3

Reality of A Life Gone Wrong #3

12.596 2

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Reality of A Life Gone Wrong #3

From the Temple he sits, High above the real world, Maybe there is a last corner of sacred belief that Krishna will come save hime and that the glue he has will bring him closer. It is obvious that this street child see's that the dreams he once believed in, and might have worn a school uniform has abandoned him him. He asks for money for food, but you dear not give him. Maybe a little bit of bread might help, but the the effects of inhaling glue has a strong grip on him.

All one can hope is that someone finds him and brings him into a better world so that Life might have another outlook.

I departed as his friends gathered. I was standing on and edge of a high temple to capture this images. Had I been pushed, or kicked, the fall would have been fatal.


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