North - way to the light.
My friend Ricarda Rose took this shot with a simple camera some years ago.
She asked me to print this shot.I was so enchanted,that I had to do some work on it.
She dedicated the photo to her sister
who planed a trip to Norway,but could not go becourse she is too sick.
All the best for you ,Hanna.
1Ferrari 30/12/2013 4:44
Brigitte, ein sehr beeindruckendes Foto ist dir hier gelungen, ich frage mich nur, wie du das Foto gemacht hast. Hingst du an einem Seil? :-)LG Michael
Carl-Jürgen Bautsch 22/09/2013 11:33
Das grafische Spielchen mit Linien und Flächen, das kommt hier gut!LG, Carl
gemblue 21/09/2013 15:13
yes, it is an interesting view that pulls one in to take a closer look!Arturas Grickevicius 21/09/2013 12:06
Ich finde dieses Bild exzellent.LG., Arturas