Roasted insects sold for dinner
The tradition of eating insects is widespread in Thailand and neighboring countries.
Most of western food consumers would avoid eating the insects offered at the night market in the city of Loei. But once you teste it you maybe will change your mind.
For both the beginners and the experienced lovers, for instance grasshoppers are the most popular and liked insects. They taste delicious fried or roasted.
TomPiga 12/06/2021 12:50
Bei dem Foto bekomme ich gleich wieder den doch ziemlich strengen Geruch dieser Schlachtplatte in die Nase!Sesostris 31/07/2020 16:10
Lecker, die schmecken wirklich gut. Zwar etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber wirklich lecker :)lg
T. Schiffers 17/06/2020 22:23
fingerfood mal anders..tino