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San Lorenzo Street Art 3

San Lorenzo Street Art 3

25.048 0

Life thru A lens

Premium (World), Florence

San Lorenzo Street Art 3

11 street artists retell two millennia of the city’s history. Although each artist has his own distinct style, the sections work together beautifully to create a cohesive visual story of key moments in Milano’s past.

Street Artists: Acme 107, Encs, Gatto Nero, Gatto Max, Gep, Gianbattista Leoni, Kasy 23, Luca Zammarchi, Mr. Blob, Neve and 750ml.
Basilica di San Lorenzo
Milano 2017

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Cartelle Street Art
Visto da 25.048


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot G15
Obiettivo 6.1-30.5 mm
Diaframma 2
Tempo di esposizione 1/20
Distanza focale 6.8 mm
ISO 100

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