Shanghai "Oriental Pearl" TV-Tower
The blue hour has passed.
The heaven has turned dark.
But the light of Shanghai shines on.
And it is worth to be looked at.
Directly next to the tower, you will find a bug roundabout.
Above it, there is a ring shaped bridge for pedestrians.
From here, I have taken this picture.
(vertical, multi-picture panorama, no tripod)
A place that I can strongly recommend!
[Shanghai Pudong, Juli 2015]
Jürgen Guhlke 19/07/2015 18:49
Tolles Motiv und eine tolle Aufnahme.MfG
Wiebke v. d. H. 19/07/2015 16:17
Wow echt beeindruckend, klasse gemacht.LG Wiebke
Andreas Beier Fotografie 19/07/2015 13:48