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She's Seen Them All...

She's Seen Them All...

20.451 3

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

She's Seen Them All...

Lady Liberty, that is...whether glamorous cruise ships and ocean liners, or troop carriers
with soldiers heading to defend her principles with their lives in the two World Wars, or
battered old vessels bringing hopeful immigrants to a new land from across the Atlantic...

On a hazy summer afternoon, the Carnival Splendor cruise ship glides between
Governors Island and the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor as she heads out to sea.

©2018 Steve Ember

She Lifts Her Lamp...
She Lifts Her Lamp...
Steve Ember

Commenti 3

  • sparkling light 29/08/2018 9:20

    Formidable panoramic view of this Italian built cruise ship. Eight years ago she had an accident,unable to maneuver some 200 miles off the California coast. One of her diesel generators was set on fire. Ships in the near vicinity came up to help, one of them the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier providing catering for the 3300 passengers on board.
    regards, Jost
    • Steve Ember 29/08/2018 9:37

      Thank you, Jost, for adding an interesting new dimension to my photo. My guess is, while it might not have been cruise-ship-fancy cuisine, the chow served up by the Reagan's kitchen crew was healthy, hearty...und deftig! Gotta keep those jet fighter pilots healthy and well-fed.;-)
  • Carlo.Pollaci 28/08/2018 6:42

    Beautiful image.
    Best regards