Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Sidewalk Chess

father and son in the little town of Ladysmith on Vancouver Island (visited on our recent sailing trip) .... a difficult to take picture - half the street was very dark, the other in bright noon sunlight ...

Commenti 21

  • phonya 09/08/2014 21:34

    you did manage the difficulties of the light very well - nice scene!! looks that the more defensive son is still holding position against his father ...
    lg phonya
  • Helga Noll 07/08/2014 8:14

    " Schachnovelle" smile !
    Spannend !
    Grüße Helga
  • AndersFotografie 06/08/2014 23:48

    Very beautiful picture in black and white,
    something I have not seen us.
    Be fun, chess with a difference
    Greetings Rita
  • LadyNoone 06/08/2014 22:23

    And the chessboard is clearly visible :)))
  • Tatiana Gutskova 06/08/2014 13:12

    a nice scene and shot, Adele!
    bw Tatiana
  • Markus 4 06/08/2014 11:36

    schaut nach einer spannenden Partie aus!
  • s. sabine krause 06/08/2014 10:55

    bright noon sunlight is SO tricky! but i guess one just can't expect the chess players to rise and be cerebrally fit at that magic golden hour just after sunrise… ; )) so noon it is! and you know what: you dealt with it so well! the powerful light/dark contrast suits the motif beautifully here, as it repeats that very dichotomy expressed in the battle of chess – white vs. black! greetings, sabine.
  • YVES Lr 06/08/2014 10:31

    Une photo qui présente des difficultés? Peut-être... mais elles ne t'ont pas mise échec et mat!
    Je suppose que tu ne pouvais pas prendre assez de recul pour avoir aussi les pieds de la table et laisser un tout petit peu plus d'espace au sommet du réverbère. Mais l'amitié qui se dégage entre père et fils sur cette image est belle à voir - même s'ils s'affrontent!
  • Rainer Golembiewski 06/08/2014 0:25

    das ist in schwarzweiss sehr gut.........!
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 06/08/2014 0:20

    Funny and nice picture.....!!
  • Conny11 05/08/2014 23:03

    Herrlich diese Schachmeister
    LG zu dir liebe Adele Conny
  • Ken Piros 05/08/2014 21:34

    Classic strategy !
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 05/08/2014 21:33

    A beautiful street ! Greetings!
  • Sigrid E 05/08/2014 20:59

    Die schwierigen Lichtverhältnisse hast du perfekt gemeistert und diese Szene sehr gut festgehalten!
  • Verena F. 05/08/2014 20:56

    You handled the difficult light situation quite well. Black and white is here perfect!
    Greetings Verena


Cartelle Mono-Chrome
Visto da 744


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/200
Distanza focale 6.0 mm
ISO 80