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Jenipher Baker

Free Account, Berlin

Skylark ....

..........which hovered just long enough to get the shot :-)
Taken at the Tempelhofer Park, Berlin.
Formerly an airport and now open to the public as a recreational area. The park is also home to many birds including the skylarks which return every year in April to breed.

f 6,3 1/2000s iso 200 ev -0,3 500mm

Commenti 9

  • Lauro Benvinda 19/06/2014 2:01

    Excellent capture...
  • NandoScalise 17/06/2014 9:19

    Bellissima molto nitida complimenti
  • Gianfranco Della Volta 16/06/2014 14:29

    Bella e nitida presa al volo.
    Grazie Jenipher per i graditi commenti
    Ciao Gianfranco
  • Jürg Scherrer 14/06/2014 18:14

    Dear Jenipher -
    a wonderful capture of this skylark in flight - in excellent definition. My compliments. Best wishes for a fine week-end.
    Hugs from Italy.
  • Mark Billiau. 14/06/2014 15:59

    Great flight shot with a magnificent sharpness !!!

  • s. sabine krause 13/06/2014 10:07

    yes, i bet it was singing, too! my dictionary tells me skylarks are great multitaskers, specializing in "prolonged song during hovering flight"! and what an amazing in-flight capture this is, jenipher! me, i haven't seen a skylark in decades, let alone ever managed a picture of one – in fact, my little olympus is presently fainting in its box, overhearing me speak of the task… ; )) – – love the "urgency" in the bird's facial expression – do birds have "facial expressions"? not sure… ; ) – , and the peppy gleam in her eye: sing, hover, LIVE!! is its credo! greetings, sabine.
  • LadyNoone 12/06/2014 21:05

    Clean lovely shot. Congratulations :)
  • Adele D. Oliver 12/06/2014 20:46

    a fabulous capture of this beauty in flight, so fine the definition in her plumage and one imagines a song with her open beak ... congratulations !!!
    greetings, Adele