Julien Hebbrecht

Free Account, Ibaraki City (Osaka) Japan

Smart has the brain but stupid has the balls.

Does he have the brian or the balls?

Commenti 2

In questa foto, Julien Hebbrecht desidera ricevere feedbacks costruttivi. Siete invitati a contribuire con consigli sulla composizione della foto, tecnica, linguaggio metaforico, ecc (Si prega di rispettare la netiquette!)
  • Julien Hebbrecht 24/08/2024 9:47

    On the streets of Japan, I see the most incredible sayings on people's T-shirts. I think most people don't even know what the words on their own T-shirts mean because people don't speak English here.
  • rootc 21/08/2024 20:41

    Maybe both?
    No smart guy would admit to have no balls, while no dull guy (with balls) would admit to have no brain.


Visto da 2.165


Fotocamera Canon EOS 7D
Obiettivo Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/320
Distanza focale 30.0 mm
ISO 3200

Hanno messo mi piace