1.211 5

Hans-Georg Daun

Free Account, Rafz

Commenti 5

  • Heidi Schneider 14/08/2005 0:06

    Im Gegensatz zu den Bildern mit tiefem Standpunkt wirkt das jetzt sehr statisch. Warum auch nicht? Ich mag den angestrengten Gesichtsausdruck und den Kopf ganz in der Ecke.
    Das Zitat kommt mir auch bekannt vor. ein Film?
  • Hans-Georg Daun 13/08/2005 23:30

    Alles googeln hat nichts genützt, also Andi, wo ist das noch her ? Ich dachte zuerst an Ellen Feiss, aber das ist es wohl nicht.
  • Andreas Daun 13/08/2005 22:54

    "ya know...it's like you live in like the san fernando valley and like all your mates are like meeting on the beach or so and like your parents make you stay home and it's like even the sun isn't shining real hard today and it's like...a bummer!!!"
  • Hans-Georg Daun 13/08/2005 16:20

    Thanks for making me feel understood.
    As for the posing, I believe that there is some posing here but that it is largely unconsciously. I certainly did not give them instructions.
  • Wenke Fronsdal 13/08/2005 15:14

    happy to see another in your series of the innocence of youth which knows no limits, fears nothing, not even gravity. i will mimic your irony "bleib so" and ask with straight face if "the atlas maneuver" was posed?
    great timing hans-georg! the moment is eternal now.