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Commenti 18

  • wuzilein 18/03/2021 15:37

    zart in sehr schönem Licht
    lg Wuzilein
  • nur ein moment 09/03/2021 17:26

    Great photo work!
    best regards . Friedel
  • Ansgar Leuthner 08/03/2021 17:34

    .."Heimat"...I have little problems to combine this with my thoughts about "Heimat"..Maybe I should see the movie...But only with this foto...I think on days (and nights) long gone by, the lampshade and the woman take me back to the thirties, in a very special time, full of terror outside and full of private secrets....Ciao, mia cara sorella, buona serata! Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 16/03/2021 21:34

      I believe that it is a little-known movie even in Germany, yet awarded in Venice.
      I've seen him twice.
      Chapter 1 deals with German history from 1919 to 1984 through a family of the Rhineland Agricultural Proletariat. The film is divided into 11 episodes and one of the features is that it is shot partly in color and partly in black/white or sepia .
      The story starts with family's grandparents, simple and working people, up to their grandchildren who, because of their talent,  manage little by little to realize their dreams and loves.
      In keeping with this life tale, the history of Germany also told through the stormy years of the Reich.  The movie director has a moderate vision and deals with the hot issues with a discreet eye and great balance, barely touching the facts and never falling into sensationalism.
      photography is the strong point of all the work , I hope that the film will be restored and can be seen by everyone imperatively, even by future generations.
      Director Edgar Reitz made two more chapters until 2000 to continue with the story.
      Sorry for my English, Ansgar, I had to write this answer twice for problems with my page.
      CIAo!   cris
    • Ansgar Leuthner 23/03/2021 19:28

      ...you never have to say "sorry", you remember?  Your English is good enough - I never had problems with it. About the movie: I remember, it was a "hit" in the late eighties (?), everybody discussed it and the critics were full of praise...I never saw it...cause I don't like those movies about the German past - there are legion. A few are really good, mostly from the fifties and early sixties, from directors like Wolfang Staudte - or, one of the best, "The tin drum" by Schlöndorff after a novel from Günter Grass. But soon it was kind of "must be" to make movies or books about the "Reich"....I read some of them, some are really interesting - but I read enough books that deal with history (not fictions), I even tormented me with facts and litterature about Auschwitz etc...Okay. That's that. By the way - one of the best books about the Nazi-Time was written by Edgar Hilsenrath "The Nazi & the Barber". There is an Italian translation, issued 1973 in Milano...
      You know what: someday we'll sit in a cafè in Milan and talk about all our interests and times...it would be so fine...Ciao, beloved sister, have a nice evening! Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 24/03/2021 21:25

      Thanks for your detailed answer.
      If I may give you my opinion, these excesses are part of History, no one is left out. Even the Popes have committed a lot of crimes in the name of God...
      As the philosopher Hannah Arendt argues, man is a maneuverable pawn.
      Evil is basically trivial and is committed mainly by the ordinary, dutiful, obedient man without his own ideas and lacking in empathy and  scruples of conscience;
      Humanity's worst crimes are committed not only because they are suggested by exceptionally evil minds, but because these minds  are supported by the normal and quiet daily living of all those who, in other circumstances, would never harm other people deliberately. These facts are repeated  when the right conditions are met in wars, thirst for power, economic interests: in this occasions  men become capable of the most inhuman atrocities.The book you have suggested is out of stock. May be I will find it available for borrow in some library...I'll tell you.
      CIAo, caro Fratello Ansgar, buona notte.  crissy
  • Renée 42 08/03/2021 17:30

    Veramente non mi pare poi tanto sottile...questo è un nudo artistico.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 08/03/2021 18:24

      CIAo carissima! Mi pare che tra donne ci si capisca meglio, senza tanti discorsi.
      A proposito:  auguri per oggi seppure credo che alla fine gli auguri siano una formalità-paravento per risarcirci di 300 giorni di  sudditanza al maschio. ( Come vedi ho tolto le domeniche perché c'è sempre la chance che se ne vadano allo stadio, in montagna o al cinema) eheheehh.
      Meglio sarebbe abolire gli auguri e il rametto di mimosa, e pretendere un cambiamento di cultura. E noi per prime siamo chiamate ad impegnarci.
      Buona serata, Madame.
    • Renée 42 09/03/2021 11:50

      Grazie per gli auguri, anche se anch'io non capisco bene il significato di questa ricorrenza. 300 giorni???? Vedo che ha lasciato perdere i millenni precedenti...
    • ann mari cris aschieri 09/03/2021 11:53

      Su quelli c'è poco da fare, oramai. Pensiamo all'oggi...
  • Tonino Di Marzio 08/03/2021 11:06

    Io la preferirei in bn anche se il colore della luce ambiente mi piace molto, c'è arte.
  • Giorgio Montani 07/03/2021 16:30

    Mi vuoi far uscire di testa? Sto guardando la tua immagine da un quarto d'ora, ma per quanto cerchi la differenza,  non riesco a trovarla. Dammi un aiutino!
    • ann mari cris aschieri 07/03/2021 21:34

      .. tra elegante e grezzo, attraente e ripugnante, sensuale e  volgare... che non è poi così "sottile" , visto che tratta di differenza che molti nemmeno distinguono.
      Ma non ho voluto infierire.
      Qualcuno la definirebbe semplicemente "deriva del gusto medio verso l'oscenità".
      Che ne dici?
    • Giorgio Montani 08/03/2021 14:16

      L'immagine di un corpo femminile così come lo presenti lo trovo completamente privo di qualsiasi attrattiva sensuale. Posso apprezzare l'immagine nel suo complesso per il cromatismo, la luce, l'ambiente. Il nudo in se stesso non mi trasmette alcuna emozione seduttiva. Tornando al  tuo ragionamento, la differenza che trovo invece  tra un'immagine sensuale ed una volgare  non è solo sottile ,ma abissale!
      E ci vedo la stessa differenza che c'è fra il fascino sottile dell'erotismo e la pornografia. Che poi il gusto medio si orienti verso l'oscenità, può essere, ma il concetto mi lascia completamente indifferente. De gustibus...............
  • claudine capello 05/03/2021 23:45

    jolie la dame .... bravo j aime la lumière douce qui donne l impression de voir une modèle dans une séance de pose pour peintres et photographes ! bravo cl