3.740 8

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki


In a greek village
Sunday morning, after the church

Greeks use to make a...gallant entry to dinner drinking ouzo, out with friends, while wives prepare the main course at home...
They say "it opens the apetite" which, of course, rarily. is "closed"!....
Especially on Sunday mornings this is a must!

Commenti 8

  • SINA 24/01/2021 12:22

    da herscht gute Laune ,
    wie aus einem alten S/W Film...
    ja die Zeit rast nur so davon,
     das merken wir wohl Alle immer wieder 
    grossartig gezeigt von Dir lieber Alexander
    ich wünsche Dir einen unbeschwerten Sonntag
    alles Liebe von Kristine
  • Cecile 17/01/2021 15:27

    Eine wirklich fröhliche Männerrunde ist das und Klasse auch in Schwarz-Weiß.
    Liebe Grüße zu dir Alexander, Elfi Cecile
  • peter janki 17/01/2021 11:46

  • chichino 17/01/2021 7:51

  • de ceulaer 15/01/2021 10:29

    so sympatic drinking ouzo with friends
  • SINA 15/01/2021 9:23

    So authentisch und gut
  • Ansgar Leuthner 14/01/2021 14:07

    ..Ouzo meze...Greek like I know it...from 1976 to 1996 I've been there nearly every year and sometimes twice in one year.. I'm afraid to go there again, cause a lot of things may have changed....This picture is a very fine document! Friendly, Ansgar
    • alexander stefanatos 14/01/2021 15:53

      Since 1996!.. My dear friend, many things have changed and many remain the same!... To  better  or worse? .Just come again and you wou will be the one to judge. Not  to be afraid  of...


Visto da 3.740


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Hanno messo mi piace

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