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Steam in the Snow No.4

Steam in the Snow No.4

11.339 6

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

Steam in the Snow No.4

Winter enchantment for a train-loving photographer...

Hoping to shoot "Steam in the Snow" on my first visit
to the Preßnitztalbahn Narrow Gauge Railway, I was
not disappointed as the big wet snowflakes began to fly.

Amidst the swirling snow, steam, and coal smoke, this
Preßnitztalbahn passenger train makes a dramatic display
as it departs Steinbach for the trip along the Wildbach
to the other end of the line at Jöhstadt.

The 750-mm gauge line is in the Erzgebirge region
of eastern Germany, near the Czech border.

From an Ektachrome transparency.

This image is available as part of my range
of custom printed Photo Note Cards.

It is also featured in my 2013 Trains calendar
CHUFF, Hummm, and Rumble-Grumble.

©Steve Ember

More steam in the Snow on the Preßnitztalbahn...

Steam in the Snow, Pressnitztalbahn No.1
Steam in the Snow, Pressnitztalbahn No.1
Steve Ember

Steam in the Snow, Pressnitztalbahn No.3
Steam in the Snow, Pressnitztalbahn No.3
Steve Ember

Commenti 6

  • mike snead 29/01/2013 11:57

    outstanding and fav.
  • AF-Hamburger Deern 22/01/2013 20:37

    Top +++!
  • Matthias Mempel 23/09/2010 14:13

    This is really outstanding. It's really a pic a photographer can dream of. Will put it to my favs.
    Best regards, Matthias
  • TinaEA 23/09/2010 7:59

    Great capture! It's just great all steam an snow!
  • JVision 22/09/2010 17:13

    I like the steam and the snow, very strong impact !!
  • s. sabine krause 22/09/2010 10:09

    wow! this shot's a dream, steve! you must have felt so happy when you managed to take it! love how the gray smoke puffed forth by the chimney mixes with the white of the "cotton-wool steam" and then gradually mingles with the falling snow, which then seems to envelop the whole steam engine as though sheltering it gently from any kind of harm that could possibly affect it – a "timeless jewel"! can very well imagine now, too, how an "appearance" and sight like this, with the steam engine emerging from its huge cloud must have shaken the people of earlier times not familiar with the "iron horse's" invention yet ; ))! greetings, sabine.