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Strahlenkrone im Sonnenuntergang

Strahlenkrone im Sonnenuntergang

662 3

Strahlenkrone im Sonnenuntergang

Ein Sonnenuntergang im Juni 2004

Commenti 3

  • Steffen K. 26/07/2005 23:45

    @ Jenny:
    Naja, ich weiß nicht - dann wäre ja die "Strahlenkrone" nicht mehr in der Bildmitte. Der schwarze Bereich gehört eben mit dazu.

    @ John:
    This is a view from my kitchen window.
    At this backyard there were (in earlier times) some small private factories, but those are not in use anymore. I don't know what it was. But probably not a brick factory.

    At the place, you see the white building at the left, there was an aluminum foundry, before they startet to build these flats. The whole backyard is surrounded by houses with flats. Ours is much older than the white one, but it's been reconstructed and very nice.

    Greetings to Australia
    and Leutersdorf, too

  • Aeoline Zweifuss 26/07/2005 12:53

    ein schöner Sonnenuntergang...ich hätte ev. noch etwas vom unteren Rand abgeschnitten...
    LG Jenny
  • John Moore 24/07/2005 8:07

    Hello Steffen, my name is John.
    Your English is 100%.
    Thank you for your great e-mail.
    It is good to have you here with us.
    I love your sunset photograph, it looks like the tall chimney maybe a brick factory??
    Greetings from Australia.