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Synanthedon formicaeformis - Red-tipped Clearwing

Synanthedon formicaeformis - Red-tipped Clearwing

1.792 2

Harm Alberts

Free Account, Beuningen

Synanthedon formicaeformis - Red-tipped Clearwing

Synanthedon formicaeformis / Red-tipped Clearwing / Wilgenwespvlinder / Kleiner Weidenglasflügler oder Ameisen-Glasflügler / Sésie fourmi.

Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esper, 1783)
Family: Sesiidae.

Clearwings are a poorly-known group of moths. The red-tipped clearwing is a day-flyer and can be easily overlooked as, with its see-through wings, it resembles a small wasp or fly.

-Its preferred habitats are fens, bogs and swamp with mature willows. This species feeds as a larvae inside the stems of various species of Salix, especially osier (S. viminalis).
-Best seen in June and July (flies between May and July).

Species description;
Resembles a parasitic wasp or fly with see-through wings and broad red wing tips. The body also has a single broad red band on the abdomen.

Life cycle
The grub-like larvae live and feed between the wood and bark of willow trees, often gaining entrance via a broken branch or stump. The adults emerge in June and July through a small exit hole. Once on the wing, the adult’s movements are poorly known, other than they have been seen nectaring at meadowsweet.

The main problem is being able to spot this species amongst the plethora of other flying insects in its preferred habitat.


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