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Teenage Hair Pulling

Teenage Hair Pulling

2.046 7

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Teenage Hair Pulling

Two girls are primping for some boys. They want to look their best after the first wave of dancing. The girl behind gives a hard tug on her friends hair, causing a little primping pain. Ouch. No matter where you go. Their is always hair envy disguised as hair grooming. My grandmother said,"Never let another woman mess with your hair. You never know what spell she put on you".

Commenti 7

  • Christos Banos 20/01/2015 16:05

  • Tania Skaradek 28/12/2014 17:15

    I'm agree with Inez - your grandma was very wise woman!
    Never do it;-)))
    Not so positive emotions are on her face...but any way she wants to look nice. If it's no mirrors in that place she has trust to her friend;-)
    Your picture and words make me smile:-)
  • Alfredo Spagnoli 27/12/2014 15:59

    Complimenti Glenn, hai colto un'espressione veramente bella.
    Come sempre il tuo bianco e nero è veramente bello.
    Ciao, Alfredo
  • Dagi.H. 27/12/2014 9:00

    Man sieht ihr an, dass es gerade verdammt weh tut!
    Jede will die Schönste sein :-) Wer von uns Frauen kennt das nicht!
    Ist man so jung wie diese Mädels, dann will man beeindrucken und zieht alle Register, die man hat - das Vorrecht der Jugend!
    Waren wir anders? :-))))
    Liebe Grüße Dagi
  • MissNeugier 27/12/2014 2:30

    Great her face ;-))
  • Inez Correia Marques 26/12/2014 22:51

    yes your grand mother was wise
    look what hapeened to Samson with delilah

    good one


Cartelle Nepal
Visto da 2.046


Fotocamera Olympus E-PL5
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