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Free Account, Bucharest

Commenti 4

  • Micha Berger - Foto 17/02/2011 19:58

    ...die kleine kapelle gefällt mir sehr !
    lg micha
  • rogfeller 02/11/2010 18:04

    Very nice Chapel in beautiful colors, i would recommend you to "erase" the cable in the upper left corner, and maybe the cable on the left side of the building as well.
    Anyway it's very nice!
    Best reagards Rolf

    PS: Would be nice to know more about your pictures - what it shows and where they have benn taken. (Refers to all your pictures)
  • Frau M. aus D. an der E. 02/06/2010 19:12

    wonderful pic.
    have a nice day
  • JeanPierre 25/05/2010 20:00

    Fin et élégant ce clocher. Bon cadrage.
    Amitiés, JP