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The First Question, the Last Action

The First Question, the Last Action

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The First Question, the Last Action

Model: Monica Medves (Fb: @monica.medves)
Characters: Norne (Urðr)
Location: Colletta - Bosco Chiesanuova (Vr)
Event: Drama Photography Art in Lessinia (3th Day)
Project: William Shakespeare Legacy
Photographer and Digiarter: Maurizio Moroni

- La vita come un nodo gordiano. Tutta la vita cercando di districarla e poi arriva la morte, questa spada / Life is like a Gordian Knot. All life trying to untangle it and then comes death, this sword (Jordi Doce)
- Non mi snudare senza ragione, Non mi impugnare senza valore / Do not draw without reason, Do not hold me without value (Giovanni dalle Bande Nere)
- L’eleganza non riguarda il modo di impugnare la spada, ma si palesa nel dialogo che può evitare la guerra / Elegance isn't in the way we wield a sword, but in the dialogue we hold that could avoid a war (Paulo Coelho)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl-GkURe50k (Edge Of Your Sword - Leah)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JNlOTccdck (O Fortuna/Carmina Burana - Carl Orff)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R7B6kj6Fd8 (Ódinn - SKÁLD)

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