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The Living Forest (184) : A sea of Bluebells

The Living Forest (184) : A sea of Bluebells

33.253 111 Galleria

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (184) : A sea of Bluebells

Despite the cold spring weather, it’s bluebell-time again !

Each year during the second half of april, some Belgian forests are completely covered by dense carpets of millions (yes millions !) of lavender-blue, bell-shaped Bluebells.
These forests are commonly referred to as "Bluebell Woods" with the ‘Hallerbos’ as most famous.

The view of this floral carpet is truly memorable and impressive.
As far as the eye can see, there are bluebells and bluebells and bluebells.......uncountable !
A natural wonder of the finest kind !

Dutch name : Wilde Hyacint (ook Boshyacint genoemd)
German name : Atlantische Hasenglöckchen
Latin name : Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Location : 'Hallerbos' at Halle (Belgium)


A big thanks to Irbenika for the nomination of this picture.

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