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Free Account, Lageland

Commenti 4

  • macdoff 22/06/2013 18:00

    Hi Waldemar, thanks for your very kind words. Indeed a fine pipe organ. I believe it was in the cathedral of Berlin; a must see! I think Berlin is one of the most relaxed city's I've ever visited. I can see you are someone who knows something about organs. Great instrument. I'm afraid I don't photograph as much as I should and in fact I only take pictures on holidays or city trips. In that sense, I think I'm a beginner. Just did a basic photo workshop some weeks ago. I will place some pictures I made. Thanks again for your very kind remarks. All the best, JJ
  • Walde 22/06/2013 16:20

    Dear Jan, as your friend in the fc I visite your page and I would invite you to publish more of your fantastic pictures, like this one of the mighty organ. It's true, it's rare, the organs of this dimensions, with a so fantastic arrangement of pipes (1850 ca. french?). Tell me, where have you see/visit this organ. The picture you made is of best quality. It's look not as a work of a beginner! Best wishes and I hope to hear and see nextly new shots,
  • macdoff 20/02/2013 20:23

    Thanks dark,j.ness!. It was a fantastic place to be!
  • dark.j.ness 20/02/2013 17:01

    impressive and beautiful


Visto da 1.760


Fotocamera PENTAX K20D
Obiettivo smc PENTAX-DA 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 ED AL [IF]
Diaframma 6.7
Tempo di esposizione 1/90
Distanza focale 25.0 mm
ISO 400