Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Old Corner Store

once a corner store, and still a corner store in the West End of Vancouver … from my folder "Vancouver Living"

Commenti 20

  • Hans-Joachim ... Phpotography 05/12/2018 0:17

    I love every aspect of this beautiful photograph, for the believers that photography is not art, they got it so wrong! 
    The moss growing on the roof make me inspect the rest of the tent I find some damage going over to the left, then scanning down, Niloo is open, so I can get a haircut, and bay my love something small from the House of Jewels it looks a friendly place whit the happy sun symbol over the name. Next Door Mario from Italy has got some sweet Fruit & Vegetables on display, just stick my head in the Door and say morning, Marion. The men walking his dog fits into the picture magically. I also noticed the gravity Artist has vented his Frustration on the telegraph-pole. Mines wen grab a lotto ticket newer now, the man on the scooter have I Sean him before don't remember? Dear Adele, you captured a Magic Street man Love it it's a great Story.
    Greetings and Warm whites from Hans the Aussie.
  • Manu T. 02/12/2018 18:30

    Fine street, most of the small corner stores have disappeared in Berlin.... we called them "Tante Emma Laden"
    • Adele D. Oliver 02/12/2018 19:53

      thank you, Manu … and yes, as long as I can remember we had
      this name for them, and as kids we bought loose candy packed
      into a paper cone bag :-))
  • hans-jakob 01/12/2018 16:10

    Bunte und schöne Momentaufnahme!
    LG hans-jakob
  • Xtian du Gard 01/12/2018 6:45

    Belle scène de vie.
  • Conny11 30/11/2018 21:58

    Ein sehr gutes Street Foto.... ich mag Vancouver... das ist eine tolle Stadt.
    LG von mir Conny
  • Torsten TBüttner 30/11/2018 20:28

    ein interessantes Street
  • Frederick Mann 30/11/2018 16:22

    nust of the small corner stores have disappeared here in germany
  • SINA 30/11/2018 11:06

    Ich mag dein Street und die Szene sehr liebe Adele

    Herzliche Grüße von mir Sina für ein schönes Wochenende
  • niel thaler 30/11/2018 8:38

    yes, the corner store is alive,  ... "LIVE" at the power pole. great picture.
    warm regards,
  • dor.maX 30/11/2018 7:56

    Ein gut gemachtes "street" - dein Standpunkt ist gut gewählt und der Moment des Fotografierens auch, wo der Rollstuhlfahrer und der junge Mann mit seinem Hund die Szene beleben. 
    LG Doris
  • † JYM59 29/11/2018 23:36

    La promenade du chien............
  • redfox-dream-art-photography 29/11/2018 22:36

    Very nice scene, composition and colors!
    Excellent light!
    Perfect point of view!
    I like your work very much, my dear friend!
    So well done!

    bw, redfox
  • Mark Billiau. 29/11/2018 22:27

    Good snap shot of that man walking the dog on the streets of Vancouver !
  • 19king40 29/11/2018 22:00

    Prima die Szene gezeigt.
    LG Manni
  • Jifasch32 29/11/2018 21:51

    Une très belle scène de rue et une ambiance qui parait sereine...! Bravo et amitiés


Cartelle Vancouver Living
Visto da 21.865


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Obiettivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 14.7 mm
ISO 250

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