Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Old Lady

I gave her money ….. later we saw her again a long way away from this area and wondered if somebody drove her there ….. and I have to admit that I thought "she" with these facial features might be a man !!

Commenti 36

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  • hannesart 12/04/2020 16:57

    sehr schönes alltagsbild von dieser betagten frau lg hannes
  • hans-jakob 15/01/2020 20:12

    Schönes Bilddokument ist das!
    LG hans-jakob
  • Mauro Stradotto 14/01/2020 18:31

    Una tua documentazione fotografica che trasmette molta tenerezza.
    Buona serata,
  • mohane 14/01/2020 18:17

    You are right...a terific and emotional scene!
  • Karl-Heinz Wagemans 14/01/2020 16:01

    . . . ja, es ist schon so, dass man manchmal reingelegt wird. Das ist mir auch schon passiert!
    LG K.-H.
  • Christian Villain 14/01/2020 15:00

    Ha ha !!!!!!!!!! Comme beaucoup , tu as du te " faire avoir " mais la photo de la scène est amusante avec cette anecdote .
    Bravo et ne regrette pas tes sous " il " ou " elle " en a besoin Comme on dit Dieu te les rendra ..........
    Amitiés ;
  • Claudio Micheli 13/01/2020 20:13

    Bellissima presentazione.
  • Axel Sand 13/01/2020 18:57

    Who knows, Adele.
    A nice capture
    Warm regards
  • MICHAEL stüben 13/01/2020 17:54

    Wer weiß es schon....
    Hat sie einen Manager....

    Eigentlich schaut ihre Kleidung recht gut aus.....

  • dor.maX 13/01/2020 17:38

    Fotografisch finde ich das eine sehr gelungene Aufnahme in feinem Licht mit dem Schattenwurf und den herrlich blühenden Büschen im HG. Die Sache mit dem Betteln ist so zweischneidig - kaum jemand würde es machen, wenn er nicht aus irgend einem Grund dazu gezwungen wäre. Auch ich gebe oft etwas, frage mich aber, ob das wirklich derjenige bekommt, der es braucht oder ob derjenige nicht nur von anderen ausgenützt wird...
    LG Doris
  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 13/01/2020 16:25

    I could not say if it is a man or an old woman - but the capture is interesting with the flower background - Hugs, Elvi
  • Monique POLETTO 13/01/2020 13:20

    Un joli portrait !!!
  • Isi19 13/01/2020 10:14

    I recently saw a Video about begging in Europe/Munic/Germany.There is an organisation in Romania and other eastern countries sending beggers to Europe with special tricks (Old man/woman or mothers with babies)They earn more money than they would ever get in their poor village.Good photo with the contrast :Bougainvillas in shiny purple and  the grey/black old person.Best regards from Isi19
  • Sabine Junge 13/01/2020 9:53

    First I've had the same thoughts and feelings about that!
    By reading your lines I became very angry due to this nasty fraud!
    To abuse social compassion is really unsavory!
    And yes: This woman could be a man! I think you are completely right!
    But however... this man or woman probably would be exploited by a criminal organization. So he or she is victim and culprit in one person.
    Warm greetings, Sabine


Cartelle Greece, Cyprus
Visto da 58.219


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Obiettivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 43.5 mm
ISO 100

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