2.380 11

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

The "Plantà"

En aquests dies Valencia comença a poblar-se d'aquests monuments festius (Les Falles), que hauran d'estar enllestits el dia 16 de març a les 8 del matí. Llavors, podran ser contemplats fins el 19 a les 24 h., moment en que seran cremats.

In these days, Valencia starts to become populated with these festive monuments (Les Falles), which will have to be finished on the 16th of March at 8 a.m.. Then, they will be able to be contemplated until the 19 at 24 h., when they will be burned.

The Plantà II
The Plantà II
Josep A. Collado

Efímera existència - Ephemeral existence
Efímera existència - Ephemeral existence
Josep A. Collado

Commenti 11

  • Dennis Veldman 21/05/2006 3:38

    it reminds me of an italian movie i have seen : La Rosa Di Bagdad (the english version is called : the singing princess - with the voice of julie andrews)

  • Paul Laurel 14/03/2006 18:06

    ninot ok.
  • Josep A. Collado 14/03/2006 8:05

    @M.Eloy:si vienes,convido yo a las copas!!
    @Dennis: thank you. You are very kind.
    @Matthias: correct! last year I showed you some pics about the Falles ( see you down).
    I apologize but, I will not be able to take this photo because, in this moment, I remain every year with my friends in another Falla (this one that can be seen burning in the photo) :-)
    Foc a la Falla!
    Foc a la Falla!
    Josep A. Collado

    Halt the world, I want to get down!
    Halt the world, I want to get down!
    Josep A. Collado

    Falla Nou Campanar
    Falla Nou Campanar
    Josep A. Collado
  • Matthias Moritz 14/03/2006 5:47

    As I recall, you told us this interesting story some time before, right?
    So, I would like to see, how this sculpture is going to burn...:-)
  • Dennis Maloney 13/03/2006 0:43

    What a wonderful capture...You seem to be in the right place at the right time...your pics are always so interesting...love the colours and composition...greetings, den
  • M. Eloy Werthmüller Ortiz 12/03/2006 22:27

    Hola Josep,

    que buenas son las fallas y me apetece ir a Valencia y pasarmelas con mis amigos. Vamos, por desgracia no podré ir..asi que nada..para el año que viene. Esta foto es una maravilla, la falla, los colores, la composición con la grua....y pensando en las horas que tardaron en hacerla, para luego quemarla....vamos, a lo mejor se queda con el primer premio y no la quemarán...quien sabe. Nos has presentado de nuevo una foto estupendisima...y ahora tendré que tomarme una copa de vino para que se me vayan los recuerdos a mis primeras fallas...sino pueda que vaya y que te invite an unas copas.. ;-)

    Felicidades por la foto,

    un saludo

    M. Eloy
  • Josep A. Collado 12/03/2006 21:47

    Thanks, my friends for the comments.
    Officially the Falles last 4 days, but the pre-Falles ambience is already lived in the city since first of March. The "mascletades" ( see the pic down), exhibitions, many closed streets to the traffic to be able to assemble the monuments.... This weekend many premises of the Falles groups have already had party until late hour ....
    It Is the Local Festivity of Valencia!!
    If you want to enjoy it, come here!
    eh, mira allà a dalt! - eh, look there above!
    eh, mira allà a dalt! - eh, look there above!
    Josep A. Collado

  • Cees Kuijs 12/03/2006 19:49

    Looks like a fairy tale. Good capture with graet colors.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Massimo Carolla 12/03/2006 15:54

    very good image, clean and beautiful colors , regards massimo
  • Valfoto 12/03/2006 15:53

    Wonderful desciption and photo Josep!
    Muy buena descripción y foto Josep.
    Te deseo que pases unas buenas Fallas, yo, lamentablemente, estaré fuera por motivos de trabajo los días 15, 16 y 17, una convención ineludible para mí.
    Un saludo

  • PINDORIUS 12/03/2006 12:16

    Aixó vol dir festa durant 4 o 5 dies?