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The Purple Emperor

The Purple Emperor

388 6

Jens Stolt

Free Account, Kalvehave, Sealand

The Purple Emperor

To lure the Purple Emperor close enough to be photographed I use rotten banana with syrup.

It works perfectly well....and also attracts a lot of wasps and flies.

Commenti 6

  • André Schäffer 31/05/2007 15:22

    The background is not really special but the rest is great. I know this butterflies are extremely shy. I saw only one of this butterfly in my lifetime (I know, I'm young) and he was so far away no chance for an image... How big was the distance to the Object?

    Greetings and thx for ur comment.
  • Juergen Wagner 04/09/2006 12:22

    "Purple Emporer" is very nice name for this huge butterfly... one of my favorites ;-)
  • Jens Stolt 03/09/2006 22:26

    Hey.. This one is actually a male.
    It was overcast and the angle of light happened to be "straight" so no purple shine was reflected.
  • Jens Stolt 03/09/2006 22:07

    Both males and females come to the bait.
    The males are more eager it seems.
  • Werner Bartsch 03/09/2006 22:05

    Hallo Jens !
    Nice picture of a female! I could watch them formerly at oviposition on salix. On lure I've seen males only. ( Or on carrion !)
    Greetings, Werner.
  • Utando B. 03/09/2006 21:45

    Beautiful butterflye - super picture

    Wer bist du, du armer Kranker?
    Wer bist du, du armer Kranker?
    Utando B.