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The Tomb of Tu Duc

The Tomb of Tu Duc

8.746 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

The Tomb of Tu Duc

Biography (out from WIKIPEDIA)

The son of Emperor Thieu Tri, Prince Nguyen Hong Nhiem was born on 22 September 1829, and succeeded his father on the throne, with the reigning title of "Tu Duc", but family troubles caused his era to have a violent start. Thieu Tri had passed over his more moderate eldest son, Hong Bao, to give the throne to Tu Duc, known for his staunch Confucianism and opposition to foreigners and innovation. As a result, and due to the repressive policies of the previous Nguyen Dynasty emperors, there was now a great deal of dissatisfaction with Nguyen rule and a legitimate royal figure to rally this opposition.
Crown Prince Hong Bao became the leader of a rebellion against Tu Duc, consisting of Confucian scholars who were angered that the family hierarchy had been dishonored (by passing over the eldest son) some remaining supporters of the Le Dynasty (who many still considered the legitimate dynasty of Vietnam) as well as the usual peasants angry over Nguyen taxation and the usual corrupt mandarins as well as the Roman Catholic missionaries and Christian converts who had been so persecuted by Minh Mang and Thieu Tri. With swift military force, Tu Duc suppressed the rebellion and was set to execute his brother, but was dissuaded by his mother, Dowager Empress Tu Duc, and Hong Bao killed himself in prison.

Commenti 2

  • Herbert Rulf 12/12/2021 0:08

    Wie ich gelesen habe ist Tu Duc nicht wirklich in diesem steinernen Sarkophag bestattet sondern aus Angst vor Grabräubern ist seine Leiche mit den ganzen Grabbeigaben an geheimer Stelle unter einem Hügel begraben worden. 
    Trotzdem ist dieser Sarkophag hier schon beeindruckend. 
    LG, Herbert
    • Pfriemer 12/12/2021 8:32

      Der Lonely Planet schreibt:
      It’s a drab monument and the emperor was never interred here; where his remains were buried (along with great treasures) is not known. To keep it secret from grave robbers, all 200 servants who buried Tu Duc were beheaded.


Cartelle Vietnam 18 years ago
Visto da 8.746


Fotocamera E5000
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/118
Distanza focale 7.1 mm
ISO 100

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