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The view from Hohloh Tower

The view from Hohloh Tower

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Premium (World), New Jersey

The view from Hohloh Tower

The view from the Hohloh Tower near Kaltenbronn (Blackforest area of Baden-Wuertemberg); on to the town of Gernsbach, the Murg Valley, the Rhine Valley and the Vosges Mountain.

Commenti 3

  • † gre. 31/08/2016 19:47

    Gut gemacht - ein schöner Blick über die Schwarzwaldhöhen !
    LG gre.
  • claudine capello 26/07/2016 20:11

    una bella visione su un paesaggio splendido e selvaggio ! complimenti ! cl
  • Adele D. Oliver 26/07/2016 0:47

    a view that goes on forever .... beautiful mountainscape here, impressive cloud formations and great the sun beaming through .... a fine capture - and I trust you had a great time in our good old homeland !!!
    hugs, Adele