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theviewofamouse@singapore - 2006

theviewofamouse@singapore - 2006

3.206 5

theviewofamouse@singapore - 2006

Canon EOS 20D, EF-S 18-55, 1.6s, 4f, 25mm, ISO400, 2006-12-11, 17.59

I saw not one mouse in Singapore.
Also no other animals.
The view of a mouse of the skyline.
It would have to look approximately in a way like this.

Please feel free to give feedback and improvement suggestions.

Ich habe keine einzige Maus in Singapur gesehen.
Auch keine anderen Tiere.
Der Blick einer Maus auf die Skyline.
Er müsste ungefähr so aussehen.

Feedback und Verbesserungshinweise sind immer willkommen.

Commenti 5