this world is not my home .2.
die 2te version !
der dank gillt AnnaMontana fürs stillhalten
auf vielfachen wunsch mal in SW
hier das original:
onward to olympas- this world is not my home
i´m breathless - i can´t speak at all - when i think of myself exactly like everyone
in our lives we get told who we are - this world is full of judgement - whoa if only you had known
if only you had known - this world is not my home - is not your home - i will not let you affect my life -
i´m tired of living in your ways - i will stand tall and stay strong - but i will take this challenge -
and make something of myself - whoa if only you had known - if only you had known - this world is not my home -
i´m only here to share the message - this world is not my home - i live behind the gates - this world is not my home -
say what you will but i´ll still be standing - safe and secure undeservingly pure you found me - ignored your call i lost it all your grace abounding -
giver of life guide me home
ShivaKatharsis 16/05/2012 10:51
tolle idee und noch bessere umsetzung!Ich mag die Stimmung und der Titel passt wie die Faust aufs Auge.
Schönen Tag
jensjanosch 31/07/2011 17:06
schöne idee und gute umsetzung.lg
julzzzz 24/07/2011 13:52
ist auf jeden fall cool gemacht,gefällt mir^^