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Urban landscape in a fearful time

Urban landscape in a fearful time

3.134 6

Jeff Burgess

Free Account, Seattle

Urban landscape in a fearful time

Originally took pic in the industrial area of Seattle. Was a particularly cold day and the steam was roaring out of the two towers. When I overlayed it with a rust image it just worked to create a harsh, barren urban landscape. Then a friend gave me a picture of his daughter and I had to place her in the image.......seems right? Right?

Commenti 6

  • Dinu Filipescu 26/01/2010 18:25

    I´ll make it short. : I tink it´s one of your best here!
  • Cees Kuijs 21/09/2008 17:06

    First impression is very good !! You made a strong statement against the never ending assault of pollution on our environment !! Good work. Just as Marc Knopfler already mentioned :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFj1hN1uWXA&feature=related
    Greetings, Cees
  • Costache Daniel 20/09/2008 21:59

    1. Industry in a wreck: the man is defeated by the limited resources of the Earth!
    2. Industry in a wreck: the man has no longer a complete bricks for the construction of the new Babel of humanity - "Man is the only God!"
    3. Flag: the dream ancestors is compromised by that madness: "After me, the flood! I live just for the moment, for myself!"
    4. The child is alone! The child is alone against this mad! Very important: the child has nothing to do with this madness!
    PERFECT! *********************************************************************
  • Jeff Burgess 20/09/2008 19:14

    My friends.....I love the beauty of nature, art, and people. But I am a political creature as well and there are times when it just seems to me the best way to portray a 'political' feeling is to do so with photographic art....hence this creation. This image can be interpreted in many ways....and it is this complexity that gives meaning to the viewer. I see the child as a symbol of hope....as children always are. I am hopeful that what we in the US and the rest of the world (as the flag could be from any nation) will do in the future is to negate the possibility of the urban blight that the background suggests......
  • Sarah D. Kiefer 20/09/2008 17:00

    strong statement! i love the crack through the middle of the image—divided in so many things, yet united "on paper." very cool.
    sarah k
  • Michael Grotkamp 20/09/2008 8:24

    Already again a new masterpiece of artwok: very crititical, sometimes very positive biting, sometimes with green and black fine derisive laughter, but everytimes in love to the people of his nation...a strong work, wonderful done...