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Voices of the Wind

Voices of the Wind

1.774 8

Dave Clements

Free Account, Neukirchen-Vluyn

Voices of the Wind

Stock BG and Virtual Chick.

Commenti 8

  • Achim L. 12/12/2012 23:51

    @Dave: Not being a specialist, the pointing of an arrow has a specific meaning in poetics, I believe ;)
    I preferred to approach it from the mere practical side!
  • KlausW 05/12/2012 7:32

    Eine super Arbeit von Dir!
    Gratulation dazu!

  • Dave Clements 04/12/2012 8:41

    Thank you all for the kind words.
    @ Achim, right on both counts, but I'm claiming Poetic Licence LOL
  • Achim L. 04/12/2012 7:23

    A beautifully composed scene with a lovely model in a misty meadow!
    Just two little things. The windy hair pose doesn't correspond with the misty air. And, being a bow maker and shooter myself, arrows are carried tip front. It's no rule, I just never saw someone doing it this way ;)

    Best wishes, Achim
  • Hermann A. 03/12/2012 15:46

    Super! Gut gemacht!
    Du hast aber auch ein hübsches Model!
    LG, Hermann ;-)
  • Ton de Vrind 03/12/2012 14:49

  • Martin Fuchs . 03/12/2012 14:49

    Hi Dave !
    das sieht guuuuut aus !
    schönen Gruss !
  • Ton de Vrind 03/12/2012 14:42

    Excellent Dave,beautyful picture, coincidentally I'm working with a jungle woman at the moment.
    lg Ton