This is lockstocks Wanksta http://lockstock.deviantart.com/art/Wanksta-Pack-59967103 spoof. She is pretending to be a gangsta. The hotrod ,dog ,and fractal as well as the skull are all stock images.
This is lockstocks Wanksta http://lockstock.deviantart.com/art/Wanksta-Pack-59967103 spoof. She is pretending to be a gangsta. The hotrod ,dog ,and fractal as well as the skull are all stock images.
Randall Goddard 25/08/2007 5:01
I don't know about translations...this is the original atists title.Dave Donaldson 24/08/2007 17:31
Quite amusing does wanksta translate in the states..In the UK has another meaning