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Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (4)

Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (4)

4.535 24

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (4)

Wéris is a megalithic site in the south of Belgium and is known as the ‘Belgian Stonehenge’.

Of course it can not really be compared to with the very impressive Stonehenge monument in the UK, but there are quite some many interesting prehistoric relics, graves and monuments to be seen.

Scientists even think that, in the prehistorical Bronze Age, Wéris might well has been one of the most important megalithic centers on the European continent.


A kilometer beyond the Northern dolmen, stands the Danthine Menhir (3,6 meters tall and weighs about 8 tons).

With the help of dowsing, pseudo-scientists measure on the place where this menhir stands, a remarkably increased presence of terrestrial radiation.

There are testimonies of people who felt quite dizzy in the immediate vicinity of this standing stone.
As you can see in my picture, the radiation was at a high peak at the moment I was there,…….but I felt nothing special :-))

Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (1)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (1)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (2)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (2)
Mark Billiau.
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (3)
Wéris, the Belgian Stonehenge (3)
Mark Billiau.

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