1.200 2

what you are

and when you wanted me, I came to you.
and when you wanted someone else, I withdrew.
and when you asked for light, I set myself on fire.
and if I go far away I know, you'll find another slave.

and when you wanted blood, I cut my veins.
and when you wanted love, I bled myself again.
now that I've had my fill of you, I'll give you up forever.
and here I go, far; the way, I know you, you'll find another slave.

Then a vision came to me, when you came along.
I gave you everything, but then you wanted more.

now I'm free from what you want.
now I'm free from what you need.
now I'm free from what you are.

- adioslave -

Commenti 2


Visto da 1.200


Fotocamera SAMSUNG ES74,ES75,ES78 / VLUU ES75,ES78
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 0.3
Distanza focale 9.3 mm
ISO 400

Hanno messo mi piace