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Steve Ember

Premium (World)

Winter Calm No.2

Taken during one of those gentle snowfalls that coat the trees in that
magical way that makes them irresistible to the photographer’s eye.

The setting is a modest little stream near my house…one that gets passed every day
in one’s routine comings and goings, without attracting more than a cursory glance.

Then, one February afternoon, Winter’s gentle hand transformed it into the special kind of
wonderland that says “Go home, get a camera and a tripod, and capture this moment.”

And so I did on some lovely fine-grained Ilford Pan-F 50 film.

May it evoke the hiss of falling snow in a quiet forest, and bring you feelings of peace and serenity.

While shot some years ago, the photograph is making its first - hopefully, therapeutic - appearance here,
as my area along the U.S. East Coast swelters under a continuing siege of high temperatures and humidity,
with heat indexes in excess of 100 F.

©2020 Steve Ember
Some music that...so...fits!

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