Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

X - Ray Eyes

I admire the pelicans' vision and acrobatics when diving for fish from way up high - this one kept a very close eye on me :-)))
February 2013 on the Isla Espiritu Santo off La Paz/ Baja California Sur, Mexico

Commenti 33

  • Didier MARZIN 21/04/2013 9:00

    Super lumière,netteté et cadrage pour ce magnifique portrait de Pélican,compliments.
  • Silvana W. 14/04/2013 20:41

    Wonderful portrait again (is your friend???? ).I love colors water****
    Hugs ¡
  • TeresaM 14/04/2013 9:35

    Fabuleux portrait de ce bel oiseau, Adele +++++
    Une excellente présentation.
    Bisous & bon dimanche,
  • Elisa M 13/04/2013 23:33

    Me encanta+++
  • BRYAN CRUTE 13/04/2013 20:45

    May look comical but there are superb fishermen !
    Another fine shot

  • Günter Nau 13/04/2013 11:53

    Es ist wirklich eine sehr interessante und schöne Spezies von Pelikanen, die dort lebt. Deine herrliche Aufnahme dokumentiert dies eindrücklich.
    Grüße Günter
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 13/04/2013 11:51

    Stupendo ! bises Chantal
  • Lawson McCulloch 12/04/2013 22:03

    I wonder what he sees that we don't Adele.
    best wishes,
  • lolita cecilia 12/04/2013 21:43

    ¡¡ ESPLENDIDA...!!
    Una espléndida imagen con una edición de lujo...
    Un abrazo Adele
  • melkart (pepe jaime) 12/04/2013 20:39

    Es un macro sobre una bonita ave. Saludos
  • phonya 12/04/2013 15:16

    marvelous pic! thanks a lot -
    lg phonya
  • rocco di ciommo 12/04/2013 10:54

    splendido esemplare !
  • Gasser Lisbeth 12/04/2013 10:36

    Jolie photo, belle netteté !
    Amitiés, Lisbeth
  • Mark Billiau. 12/04/2013 9:05

    He surely has his eye on you Adele !
    Beautiful portrait !!!

  • s. sabine krause 12/04/2013 8:48

    : ))) and he seems to not mind being depicted with a prissy little double chin! ; )) i can't help but find them cute, even though i know they are quite resolute and powerful animals… there's this clip on the internet showing a pelican swallow a pigeon that's struggling for about a half hour to escape his pouch – to no avail! absolutely horrifying to watch. and yet, there's something about them that's utterly charming. this one's light-blue eye – fascinating and so very "oceanic"! ; ) my favorite detail in this shot, though, are the terry-like textures of his neck feathers. makes me want to reach out and touch them – – ouch, there goes my hand! ; )) hugs, sabine.


Cartelle Animals, Birds etc.
Visto da 1.336


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 8
Tempo di esposizione 1/320
Distanza focale 45.2 mm
ISO 400