1.772 7

Dianna Tilley

Free Account, thurmond

Yesterdays Soul

A modern cowboy born to the wrong era.

Commenti 7

  • Dianna 19/05/2007 6:07

    I like the title and the photo....
    The coffee pot and the dog are good in the photo too, for me....
    (if you crop closer, they would be missing)
    Would love a closer crop on the cowboy,
    if not for the pot and the dog, got to keep them...
    so all in all, the crop works for me.
    But a horse in the background,
    would even be more to love. :-)))
    Good mood and emotion here.
    Love the way the man's thoughts are drifing...
    Nice flame on the fire....
    I like the smoke from the fire subtly drifting upward...
    like the man's thoughts perhaps...
    All together, nice photo...
  • Henk Auwema 18/10/2006 13:03

    I like the image, seems the man is starring into the flames letting his thoughts go way back or whatever. Maybe even the dog is dreaming away, although it doesn't show.
    The title is choosen well i think.

  • Alexandra Baltog 10/10/2006 13:58

    it is very difficult to comments a picture and in case of a good picture it becomes more difficult...

    all the commentators are right...but the vision at that moment of photograph is unique.

    I like this picture!
  • Ravi Bindra 09/10/2006 21:26

    I agree with Terri, the portrait of him comes out stronger when he is off centre. In the centre there is equal way both sides for the eyes to drift to.
  • Wim Denijs 09/10/2006 14:53


    not really agree Terri , the man is quit impressive enough to put him in the centre . ( but this is just my opinion ) . You just focus your attention on the man , the rest is not so important . Find this a strong pic , well done Dianna
  • Wayne Tsipouras 09/10/2006 14:04

    At peace with all things, fine emotive image and mood.
    Many times I have done this, and watched the world go by.
    Very relaxing, fine memories.
    Well done.

  • Terri Green 09/10/2006 9:37

    I like it, but I would either place him a bit more off center, or crop the image.