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You're a strange stray cat ...

You're a strange stray cat ...

1.900 4

Norbert Berndt

Premium (Pro), Tampa, FL

You're a strange stray cat ...

Nach ungefähr 6 Minuten war der Kampf mehr oder entschieden. Der Papa, rechts im Bild, war sich seines Sieges gewiss. Allerdings erlitten beide Kombatanten einige Blessuren, aber glücklicherweise waren sie nicht allzu schwerwiegend. Mehr Info zu der Geschichte gibt's zu den anderen Bildern der Serie:

After roughly six minutes the fight was more or less decided. Daddy on the right was assured of his victory, although both combatants suffered from several injuries, but luckily they weren't too serious. There are more details to the story on the other pictures of this series:

Flipped over leopard
Flipped over leopard
Norbert Berndt
A drama unfolding
A drama unfolding
Norbert Berndt
Play with fire
Play with fire
Norbert Berndt

The drama continues
The drama continues
Norbert Berndt
Get off of my cloud
Get off of my cloud
Norbert Berndt
You gotta move
You gotta move
Norbert Berndt

Kwando Concession, Botswana, May 18, 2024, 10:19 AM

Commenti 4


Visto da 1.900


Fotocamera NIKON D850
Obiettivo 200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/1000
Distanza focale 290.0 mm
ISO 125

Hanno messo mi piace
