Didik Kwok

Free Account, Solo

Su di me

I just learn all about of photography to all of you

Commenti 1

  • Martin Unger 18/02/2007 11:22

    Hello Didik,
    welcome to the fotocommunity!

    Enjoy viewing the pictures you can find on this site, and be welcome to discuss with colleagues, both amateur and professionals from all over the world. There also are some forums, feel free to have a look there, too. And get in touch with other members, that’s what’s making our community a living place!

    If you want to get some starting help, you can find some tips here:

    A lot of information you can also find in our online help http://www.fotocommunity.com/info/Help
    And off course you can always contact us via support …

    Share your passion!

    Greetings from Norway
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