Marius Edvardsson

Free Account, Hafnarfjörður

Su di me

Landscape photographer from Iceland

Commenti 23

  • Tomeos 25/09/2010 10:24

    Hi Marius, you have fantastic pictures in your account.
    Cheers Tomeos
  • tommuc 22/08/2010 7:24

    Hi Marius,
    just clicked through your Gallery. You present your country in a very nice, but natural way. I like your pictures and don't want to miss one in future - orange.
    Cheers, Thomas
  • Ulf Brömmelhörster 23/12/2009 16:08

    º•.¸(¨*•.¸ ¸.•*¨)¸.•º)
  • Buegelpresse 07/09/2009 21:22

    Hi Marius

    I am quiet sure, that yours was the first serie i have watched completely. Great Pictures of the country I love and miss so much!
    Nice Greetings from Switzerland to Iceland!
  • Richard Galgan 09/03/2009 22:47

    Hallo Marius
    Vielen Dank für deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild "Winterbaume". :-)
    Deine Fotos in FC Galerie wunderschön sind.
    Iceland aus Deine Fotos grosse Eindruck macht.
    deildarforseti - dziekuje ?
    Viele grusse aus Polen
    Richard Galgan
  • Piotr Sz. 25/01/2009 1:24

    A witam serdecznie ;)
  • Ulf Brömmelhörster 30/12/2008 13:29

    º•.¸(¨*•.¸ ¸.•*¨)¸.•º)
  • Ulf Brömmelhörster 21/12/2008 12:31

    Ich wünsche Dir neben vielen interessanten Reiseerlebnissen und tollen Fotos ein frohes Fest, schöne Feiertage und einen guten Start in das Jahr 2009. Liebe Grüsse, Ulf
    Merry Christmas & a happy new Year !
    Merry Christmas & a happy new Year !
    Ulf Brömmelhörster

  • Ulf Brömmelhörster 17/09/2008 17:09

    Danke für Deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild !
    [ Freedom...]
    [ Freedom...]
    Ulf Brömmelhörster
  • Kerstin Langenberger 14/09/2008 20:43

    Er nýkomin aftur til fc og semsagt nýbúin að uppgötva þig hér! Hver og einasta mynd sem þú sýnir hér er skemmtileg og af bestum gæðum - til hamingju með það! :)
    Hlakka til að fylgjast með þér í framtíðinni!
    Bestu kveðjur, Kerstin
  • ddsoft 01/08/2008 11:13

    Really great landscape panoramas.
    I have to travele to iceland...

  • Claudia Kü 08/07/2008 10:51

    Hi Marius, I like your photos from Iceland very much. I do not know your country but I am very interested in getting information on it. So I put you on my buddy list. Greetings Claudia
  • Anna Plucik 30/04/2008 15:18

    Witam Pana :)
  • Giorgos Fidanas 05/12/2007 19:52

    Thank Marius for your attention
    Lights On
    Lights On
    Giorgos Fidanas

    rgds, Giorgos
  • 63 30
  • 564 330
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