
Free Account, Prague

Commenti 25

  • Veikko 20/03/2008 22:44

    Mia, I have not words...
  • Francesco Margarita 08/12/2007 15:38

    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Francesco Margarita

    Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
    francesco margarita
  • Vera Böhm 25/06/2007 23:37

    Hi Mia,
    I have just checked your portfolio and I found a lot of wunderfull pictures.
    Regards, Vera.
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 29/04/2007 23:26

    you have some beautiful photos !
    welcome to FC hope to see more
    Jaime :)
  • Lubos Vanek 14/03/2007 7:07

    Thank you for comment and greetings, I have just come through some of you pictures - very good work. I like your DOF by taking flowers. Lubos.
  • Lubos Vanek 12/03/2007 23:03

    I have just commented your picture without knowing, that you are from Prague (despite of nickname :-)) Zdravím. Lubos
  • Dani Opris 17/01/2007 22:57

    Dzien Mia ,
    ...good work regarding to the yours naturalness photos . I like how you see the world in photos.
    All the best , Dani
  • Lovisa Lagerquist 21/12/2006 18:11

    Thanx for your comment Mia :)
    Lovisa Lagerquist

    Regards Lovisa
  • Tamara Trejo 20/12/2006 8:35

    You are a great photographer with a big imagination and a special way of showing water droplets.
  • Lovisa Lagerquist 18/12/2006 17:47

    I love your outstanding work, thanx for sharing!

    Regards Lovisa
  • My Butterfly Sema 14/12/2006 11:47

    Hi,I fine thank you! Good and nice works... ;)
  • Denisa Zikmundová 04/08/2006 8:44

    Děkuji za tvuj komentar k mojí fotce.
    Denisa Zikmundová

    Denisa :-)
  • Irene Müller1 26/07/2006 20:53

    Thank you very much for the kind comment on my white rose image.
    Hope to see some of your photo's soon.
    Kind regards,
  • Katerina Zumrová 22/06/2006 13:37

    Ahoj, diky za komentar - s tim rameckem sem si to
    uvedomila az dyl a uz sem to nechtela menit tak sem
    to tam nechala takhle...
    touch of nature
    touch of nature
    Katerina Zumrová

    Katerina :-)
  • Maguire 09/06/2006 13:49

    Hi Mia

    Thank you for your comment on my work

    Much appreciated.
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