Pappa Stellingsma

Free Account, Maastricht

Su di me

My first Camera was given to me in 1988 an old east German analog praktica
with an 24/80 mm objective ,build like an tank and hefty on the neck muscles,

i am a stay at home dad (in between jobs) en not much time to take long trips ,
so limited to my home , backyard , and a occasional walk around the block ,
portraits of my kids ,cats , and flowers in the backyard are my main subjects to shoot at.

my gear 1 Olympus E420 24/80 mm F4.0/F5.6
2 olympus E520 50/200 mm f4,5/F5.6
No tripod
no external flash

no studio/backdrops etc.

hope you like my works.


hans stellingsma

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  • Fotografo/a (esperto/a)
  • Designer di immagini
  • Interessato/a di fotografia