Bill Andrews

Free Account, Munich

Su di me

Live yor life

My name is Bill Andrews. I'm actually from Texas, but currently live in Munich, Germany. For business reasons I will live there temporarily. In Texas, they all called me Billy, you can do that too. I am very sorry that I only write in English.
I do not have a special field in photography. But I generally like to take nature photos. Since I'm so attached to Texas, these will mostly be shots from Texas.
I am very happy with comments and praise.
Thank you for visiting my page.
With kind regards
Your Billy.

Commenti 5

  • Hans-Joachim ... Phpotography 18/12/2019 0:49

    Lieber Bill. Ich wünsche Dir, und. Deine Familie.
    Erholsame Feiertage!
    Ein Fröhliches Weihnachtsfest 
    Und ein erfolgreichen Rutsch in Neue Jahr!
    Liebe Grüße Hans
  • Hans-Joachim ... Phpotography 21/04/2019 2:34

    Dear Bill,
    Happy Easter and Easter eggs, I wish,
    For the Spring Festival April 21 ...
  • Mr. Bookwood 15/02/2019 15:02

    Tolle Bilder zeigst du auf deiner Seite.
    LG Bernd
  • Hans-Joachim ... Phpotography 02/01/2019 0:36

    Greetings, Bill. thank you for deciding to follow my page. Be looking forward to more of your images, and work so far I like your display, I'm happy to find you on FC. 
    Kind regards, Hans. From the Land down under
  • Constantin H. 04/06/2018 15:15

    Vielen Dank für Deine Kommentare und Lobe! Aber: wann gibt's denn mal wieder neue Fotos von Dir? Hast lange nichts mehr hochgeladen, lieber Bill.
    Best regards, Constantin
  • 24 84
  • 145 243
Ricevuti / Dati


  • Fotografo/a (esperto/a)
  • Designer di immagini
  • Interessato/a di fotografia


Nikon Coolpix