
Free Account, Wien

Su di me

I am photographer full of passion for the art and with a flair for catching the unique. Some photographers may call this work, but to me, it°s play.
Every women is beautiful and I magnify this beauty in my photos. I try always make something greet and different in my shooting. I have a lot experience of fashion, glamor, portraiture, beauty.
Now, I live in Vienna (Austria) but I have worked in Brussels and Paris . I speak French, German and English.
If you are model and looking for one photographer with French style, just me send me a e-mail:
I'm looking forward to numerous collaborations!
See you soon,

Commenti 3

  • teddynash 02/02/2012 18:02

    Herzlich Willkommen in der FC !
    Ich wünsche Dir viel Spaß hier.

    Schöne Grüße
  • little bastard 02/02/2012 13:32

    Herzlich willkommen in der FC und vielen Dank für die positive Anmerkung
    Gruß little-bastard
    little bastard
  • Chris Gebhart Photography 02/02/2012 10:50

    herzlich Willkommen in der FC-Welt!
    Hoffe du wirst super mit vielen Anmerkung und Tipps aufgenommen... :)
    Wünsche dir weiterhin jede menge spaß beim fotografieren und immer gutes Licht!!!

    lg Chris
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