Mark Casey

Free Account, Horw

Commenti 4

  • Kurt Salzmann 09/03/2009 16:29

    Herzlich willkommen in der Fotocommunity. Ich wünsche dir viel Spass beim Mitmachen. Unter: pflege ich eine Zusammenfassung aktueller Schweizer Fotocommunity Aktivitäten (Stammtische, Usertreffen, Veranstaltungen, und Ausstellungen). Viele Grüsse, Kurt
  • Model-Mira 12/02/2009 12:03

    Hi ,

    thanks a lot for your comment .

    Greetings Mira
  • Manuela Trost 11/02/2009 7:29

    Hi Mark,

    thanks a lot for your comment about my photo "Der Blubb" :-))))

    greetings, Manuela
  • Mark Casey 09/02/2009 20:30

    I have joined fotocommunity not only to showcase my work but to continually learn about and improve my photography. I am looking forward to everybodys suggestions about how I can improve.

    Please make comments and enjoy how I see the world.

    "Life is not about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away"

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Ricevuti / Dati
