Nikon Phil

Free Account, Berlin, A.

Su di me

this profile features projects done with other photographers. basically we are watching creative forces merge into an unpredicted, spontane expression. through multiexposure, sometimes controlled through theme and sometimes not, we have to view and evaluate the result in terms of asthetics. at least that`s where i`m coming from when i reflect upon the frames to exhibit. film is the choice of material to work with, and the film is always rewinded before it will be exposed yet again, either by me or the photographer i work with at given moment.

enjoy the ride ;-)

Heine Christiansen

(images soon to appear in the folder!)

Commenti 2

  • Nikon Phil 21/07/2011 12:01 .. kostenlos zu verwenden, drucken, verkaufen.. bitte nutze die Gallerie als wäre`s deine eigene.

  • Nikon Phil 21/07/2011 11:47

    Things have changed.. this is now a window for "it3" .. Iceland Transcriptions (pt. 3), done 2011. It is also the launch of "Ai Framing", which basically means that I`m for hire ..again. I do work shops, will go on photographic trips with you, and most important of all.. I can show you how to find your own style. Photography aint that difficult if you know where you are headed.

    HC:Ai, 07/2011
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